Iron Filters

Once installed, the chemical free iron filter requires little or no attention. It automatically removes soluble iron, sometimes called ferrous iron or “clear water”, precipitated iron, sometimes called ferric iron or “red water” , hydrogen sulfide gas or “that rotten egg smell”, manganese or black particles. It is safe and very economical because it requires none of the expensive or messy chemicals conventional iron filters use.

The chem-free iron filter features two major components: an air injector and a back washable filter containing special media. The air injector adds air to the top of the filter tank and also to the media in the tank. The oxidation process takes place in this chamber and the media removes the particles of iron.

The chem-free filter media remains unchanged at the end of the oxidation process and consequently requires no chemical regeneration. Periodic back washing of the filter bed flushes the precipitated iron to the drain and readies the filter for use again. The duration and frequency of back washing varies from 10 to 12 minutes every 3 to 6 days, depending on iron concentration and water usage.

We have also used this system for larger application farm use and it does an amazing job.


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